Green Tales K Commissioned Project, 2022 lllustration
A few months ago I received a commission from a company in Barcelona to make a series of illustrations. The objective was to convey a message of sustainability and conscious and respectful consumption with terrestrial life, to children, here was the challenge. We decided to deal with two topics of global interest, impact and concern: polluting waste in the sea and illegal logging.
How could I tell and make the little ones empathize with such a hard and complex subject, well, getting to the potatoes, and how to get there, through a story starring themselves, by children. As if that were not enough, I added another character, one that has a fundamental role in childhood, the grandparents.
In this first story, I tell the story in three scenes of a grandson who goes fishing with his grandfather one morning. Everything is going great, the blue water shines under the Calypso, but, suddenly, a large brown mass floats nervously on the surface of the sea, it is a sea turtle, which is struggling to escape from some nets that have it trapped, quickly, He helps her take them off and she goes free flapping with happiness. They come back relieved but worried. "There should never be such garbage in the sea, it can kill animals, our garbage should not reach the oceans," says the grandfather.
Already on the beach, the boy explores the puddles on the shore, in one of them, a young shrimp has been trapped under a plastic cup, the boy rescues him without thinking and throws the glass in the wastebasket. "In the sea there could never be that crap, it could have killed you, our garbage should not reach you," the young explorer says determinedly to the little shrimp.
For reasons x, this project did not go ahead, but I was very excited to share it with you, because I enjoyed it a lot, and it has a very important mission, as the legendary oceanographer Jacques Cousteau said: "You only protect what you love, you only love what is known” 💙🐋
Green Tales Commissioned Project, 2022 lllustration
Una joven niña indígena va a visitar a su abuela del bosque, es la más sabia de todo el Amazonas y una genial consejera. Hace varios días se oyen ruidos extraños en lo profundo de la selva, la gente de la tribu, dice que el monstruo come árboles se acerca. La niña camina hacia estos horribles sonidos, y lo que encuentra, es peor que un monstruo. Cientos y cientos de árboles muertos se amontonan a trozos a su alrededor, el bosque es un desierto. Asustada, corre a ayudar a su abuela, ella, la recibe como siempre, llena de vida, de colores, radiante y colosal.
“Sí, querida, yo sigo aquí, pero el colibrí dice que pronto voy a sufrir, no me preocupa mi vida, sino las vidas dentro de mí, a parte de ti, mi niña; soy abuela de muchos, que si me talasen,tampoco podrán vivir”
El monstruo con hachas se acerca a ellas, y la niña se queda quieta frente a su abuela, firme, decidida, desafiante.
“Tú no eres un monstruo,
no temo tus armas,
pero no conoces,
el valor de lo qué talas.
No acabarás con este árbol,
no vas a seguir.
No me preocupa mi vida,
sino las vidas dentro de mí”
no temo tus armas,
pero no conoces,
el valor de lo qué talas.
No acabarás con este árbol,
no vas a seguir.
No me preocupa mi vida,
sino las vidas dentro de mí”
Me hacía mucha ilusión compartirlo con vosotros, porque es un proyecto que tiene una importantísima misión 💛🍃