OU System                                              Academic Assignment 2018                                                          Product Design

A dynamic and fun approach to common areas of offices and public spaces.
Our client was RS, a Barcelona company specialized in office furniture with a fun and active component. Once known the company that made the order, I began to make a list of what were the conditions on which they had most affected. Playful, personalization, easy transport, versatility, austerity... For me, the game concept was closely related to provocation, with the unpredictable association of ideas, curiosity, contrasting colors and geometric shapes. From these premises, I began to sketch. Mobility and flexibility led me to focus on the field of seating and stretching. The act of sitting as a more active and dynamic action. According to physiotherapists, the great ache of office workers, is their reduced mobility of the hip when they are sitting, therefore, they recommend sitting on inflatable balls, because they allow a much more free and fluid movement.


I realized that if the ovoid shape for the cushion was maintained, I could achieve an interesting shape, which could even work independently. It was a simple way to combine the fluidity and dynamism of the ball, and the comfort of the flat seat, rocker cushions. I opted to make rectangular-shaped boards. A more pure and synthetic image that accentuates the contrast of the round cushion and makes it easy to create a system through modules.
I was interested in merging two elements, two materials to create something new. I looked at an egg cup, by repeating in the same way, to get a system that creates empty and full spaces, depending on where the piece is placed, the egg. I thought of a similar operation for a bank with cavities in which the elements that could be placed or removed were cushions.
Next, I show some images of the process of creating the Eldelberris watering can. As you can see, it is a very manual technique, in which the key resides in generating a homogeneous sheet, with the desired texture, in order to later trace and cut out the silhouette of the piece. The last step is a subtle folding, in which the sheet rotates on itself to generate the desired shape. Finally, this sheet is sealed by wetting the joint.